Dă viață ideilor tale!
Str. Gh. Doja Nr. 67
Târgu Mureș, Jud. Mureș, Romania
The planned new Innovation Centre and the Theatre are architecturally and therefore functionally closely linked:
- Together, the Theatre and the new Innovation Centre will be a dominant complex in the city core.
- The Theatre, as shown by its geometric layout and daily operation, will have two units: the "Grand Theatre" will be located in the centre line of the longitudinal space perpendicular to Rose Square, while the "Little Theatre" will be set back slightly to the north-east.
- The two main parts can be combined to form two independent cultural units with minor interventions, and a direct link between the two can be created between the square in Red Square and the new Innovation Centre.
- The new Innovation Centre will extend several levels below ground level so that, in coordination with its construction next to the Theatre, it will be possible to renew and modernise the Theatre and improve its architectural and urban design in line with contemporary requirements.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices purus ut sollicitudin ullamcorper. Nam ullamcorper placerat elit, in fermentum turpis mattis vel. Aenean sodales dictum ex. Phasellus fringilla libero at varius mattis. Quisque gravida nisl non nulla cursus, sit amet egestas massa mattis. Phasellus aliquet velit et est congue sagittis. Nulla tempus vestibulum diam at facilisis. Ut eget tincidunt sem.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices purus ut sollicitudin ullamcorper. Nam ullamcorper placerat elit, in fermentum turpis mattis vel. Aenean sodales dictum ex. Phasellus fringilla libero at varius mattis. Quisque gravida nisl non nulla cursus, sit amet egestas massa mattis. Phasellus aliquet velit et est congue sagittis. Nulla tempus vestibulum diam at facilisis. Ut eget tincidunt sem.